Isolation is boring and I guess that you have watched all of episodes already, so what to do with your free time?
Be productive! :)
Earn money online by many ways on following websites that | can recomend.
First way to be productive:
Earn Crypto for free!
If you are into Crypto you are on the right place. I looked up for best sites you can use to earn crypto for free :)
1.First you have to do is to make your own Crypto wallet for free on
It´s easy and fast and you can also earn more here by watching ads etc.
Here is link for registration:
2. It´s time to earn with Faucets!
Easiest way to earn crypto is by using Faucets. Faucets generate random amount of crypto for you every few minutes. And you can withdraw your crypto to your wallet multiple times per day with low minimum withdraw.
My favourite Crypto Faucets:
3. Mining Bitcoin for free!
Mine BTC everytime you go online with Crypto browswer, click bellow to see instruction to start earn :)
It´s not the end, I will update this articcle after some break to help you earn more money :)